Neither rain nor snow….

 Posted by at 11:43 PM
Mar 022011

This 25-foot banner is printed on our standard vinyl with a PSL (pressure sensitive laminate) to protect it from the weather. It has been on the side of the Salem State University O’Keefe Center since last Summer and it looks as good today as it did the day they put it up. This combination of materials is an excellent solution for large banners that are going against a wall, fence, or other fairly solid structure. Proper installation is key to its longevity; we don’t put all those grommets in for fun. Our standard vinyl is a 15-mil multi-layered product that prints beautifully, has great opacity and can  obviously stand up to the elements.

Weather-proof Synthetic Paper

 Posted by at 1:20 PM
Mar 012011

March is sure to bring some serious storms. And for those who need to get out in the weather no matter what the weather, dealing with printed materials in the rain can be a frustrating experience. But we’ve got a product that will not run, turn to mush, or suffer from exposure to rain, snow, sleet, coffee, or an occasional beer. It’s a non-tear synthetic plastic paper we can print on through our DocuColor. The result is a pretty bullet-proof sheet for in-the-field usage. Other applications are short-run color and/or black and white labels for products that are stored outside (e.g. fertilizer, compost, ice melt, etc.), charts and instructions on board watercraft, poolside notices, etc. Give us a call for a quick quote on this great weather-proof printing solution.

Feb 282011

Impact is the replacement for our Xerox 12 pt C1S, which was recently discontinued by Xerox. While it is a few cents more (actually .03) expensive per sheet, it does offer a slightly larger format for printing (see previous post). It is now our stock paper for C1S dull coat. If you have a project we reprint from time to time on a CIS dull coat cover, we’ll may ask you to re-proof the color when we reprint with the new stock. We will make a small adjustment at the printer to accommodate the overall slightly lighter color we are seeing in our test. Other than that, the transfer should be pretty seamless. If you’d like a project re-quoted with the new material, please let us know.

Magnetic Paper?

 Posted by at 1:31 PM
Feb 252011

Well, almost. Our new material is just a bit thicker than cover weight, but thin enough to not tip your mail scale to the next postage increment. Our customers have already used it for contact information for tradespeople (plumbers, electricians, emergency numbers… sticks to service panel doors, water heaters, etc.) and more creative applications as well, such as save the date cards for weddings/bar & bat mitzvahs (they always go up on the refrigerator anyway). Best of all, it runs right through our DocuColor; short run color or black and white. So anything we can print on paper, we can print on a magnetic sheet. The cost is attractive as well: in full color, about $1.90 a letter-sized sheet in small quantities (10-25) and as low as $1.20 in big runs. Ask for a sample and we’ll send it out.

Feb 242011

Xerox has discontinued the popular C1S dull coat 12 point cover we so frequently call on for post cards, note cards and posters. We are currently in testing of a similar product to take its place. The good news is that the new product will be stocked in a 12.5″ x 19″ sheet size, which will translate into additional possibilities in finished bleed sizes. This will be in addition to the 13″ x 19″ 100#  C2S dull coat Nekoosa cover we currently carry. Watch for additional details as we  complete the testing. We anticipate that pricing levels will be about the same as for Impact.
